About McLeod County Republicans

The McLeod County Republicans are people who love our country, desire to have a limited government as it was designed by the Constitution, and seek to minimize taxation so that businesses and individuals have the ability to create jobs and better our economy.

Mission Statement

To promote the principles and values in the Republican party platform which include lower taxes, free markets, and constitutional government, by means of educational and political activity.


Elect Republican Candidates

Elect Republican Candidates: Being that we are the local Republican party, our first goal is to elect Republican representation. From the county level, all the way up to the national levels of government, we desire to see conservative leadership which will represent us with integrity, morality, and will uphold the constitution of the United States.

Educate the Electorate

Educate the voters of McLeod County and the State of Minnesota as to what the Republican party stands for. The Republican party platform was formed at the grassroots level to represent the principles and values of the people. Recently, Republicans within the state and federal government have started to ignore the platform and begin to "drift to the left". The election results speak for themselves as far as judging the effectiveness of that strategy. In order to win elections, it is extremely important that voters have a firm understanding of what the Republican party represents and the principles and values which make it so great.

Candidate Identification

Finding conservative Republican candidates is very important given the political landscape we live in. We desire to find electable candidates which uphold our values and the party platform. (If you are considering running for public office, please contact us!)


In order to accomplish our goals:

  • Have regular, open meetings which the people of McLeod County can get together and discuss issues, candidates, leadership, and other Republican party business.
  • Build support for the Republican party by sending regular email updates, phone calling, sending letters, and even going door to door.
  • Raise money through fundraisers and individual donations to fund our political and educational activities.
  • Maintain a local presence in our community by participating in parades, county fairs, business expos, and staffing a Campaign Headquarters during election years.
  • Reach out to local and state media outlets, (newspapers, radio, TV, internet), to make sure that the Republicans within McLeod County can be heard and accounted for. If our leadership doesn't hear from us, it will be very difficult to represent us accurately.
  • Serve our community by volunteering our time and efforts to valuable programs such as Adopt a Highway, and other community events.